Congratulations on finishing your first Practical Python and OpenCV chapter!

The goal of this website is to give you additional material that will help you along your computer vision journey — and provide supplementary content that I could not fit inside the book.

At the end of nearly every chapter inside Practical Python and OpenCV + Case Studies, you’ll find a link to a supplementary page on this website that includes additional information relevant to the chapter. Likewise, you can find the supplementary pages for each chapter by using this website.

For each corresponding chapter webpage you’ll find:

  • My commentary on methods you should be using to extend your knowledge regarding a particular technique or method.
  • Discussions of common error messages and “gotchas” that might trip you up along the way.
  • Recommendations on various algorithms to try.
  • Optional quizzes for you to test your knowledge.

If you have any questions as you work through either the book and companion website, please feel free to send me a message — I’m here to help.

Otherwise, I suggest taking the time now to head back to Practical Python and OpenCV and start in on Chapter 2.

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